Tuesday, February 17, 2009

blog #6

Markandaya, Kamala. Nectar in a Sieve. United Kingdom: Signet Classic, 1954.

We read the book Nectar in a Sieve in class. I think this book deals a lot with the topic of hope. Nathan and his family rely on hope to get them through difficult situations that arise in their daily lives. "For at least twenty-four days we shall eat, I thought. Al the end of that time--well, we are in God's hands. He will not fail us. Sometimes I thought that, and at other times I was seized with trembling and was frightened, not knowing where to turn"(79). In this quote, Rukmani is worried about the food supply. The family only has enough food for 24 days and once that is gone, they don't know where they will find a supply of food. They rely on hope to be able to survive and not struggle with starvation. In todays world, the economic situation is terrible and many have lost their jobs. They rely on hope to get them through this difficult period. Hopefully this economic situation will turn around.

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