Tuesday, April 21, 2009

blog #1

For outside reading quarter four, I am reading the book New Moon by Stephanie Meyer. I have read the book Twilight so I decided to keep reading the series. When the book begins, Bella is not in a good mood. It was Bella's eighteenth birthday. She is now a year older than Edward. This makes her really sad knowing she will keep getting older but Edward will always be the same age. She also does not want to receive any presents, and celebrates her birthday at the Cullens which ends in a disaster. Bella gets injured and gets stitches from Carlisle without having to go to the hospital. The next day at school her arm is still sore and something seems wrong with Edward. Alice and Jasper had left and were not going to come back. She feels completely responsible for having the Cullens leave. So when Edward comes home with her they decide to go on a walk and he breaks the news to her that there whole family will be leaving. Edward was the one that had to stay in order to tell Bella. His reasoning does not assure Bella but Bella is heartbroken and wishes she could go with them. Edward refuses to let her come and they finally part. But Bella follows him into the woods and gets lost which causes Charlie to send out people to look for her. They finally find her and bring her home. She misses the Cullens so much. This book so far is depressing and the characters are not in the greatest moods. But I am excited to keep reading and finish the book.

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